Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thing 23, The End.

Yay I made it. I learned a lot. I shared flickr with my sister, who used it for a presentation for school. I made some friends on Twitter. I blogged. I never did make an avatar, but maybe one of these days I will. I put my favorites in Del.icio.us, but I'll probably never go back and look at them. All in all, I think this was an excellent way to spend time learning about the new technology that is developing around me.

Thing 22, MOLDI

Moldi has great stuff. I have downloaded many things at home. Every student reading the classics needs to know about this. There are tons of audio books for our steady stream of people who listen to their books. I think it is the future of audio and video services. Someday we won't buy CDs and DVDs. We will offer download service from our website.

Thing 21, Podcast searches

I tried the podcast searches listed on the learn and play blog: podfeed.net, Podcastalley.com, Google Podcast Directory. I had a good time nosing around and seeing what I found if I clicked here or there. I ended up finding very interesting stuff. I didn't listen to any of it, but it looked good by the description. The thing about the directories is that they lead you through them to other pages which also lead you through to other pages and so on. I could do this for days.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Thing 20


Great video. I can't see myself ever posting a video on youtube, but I certainly enjoy watching them.

Thing #19 CML's toobox

I found worldcat.org at the bottom of the cml toolbox. I've heard about this, but never really looked at it. It might be just amazing. Is this the entire content of Worldcat? It is a much more attractive format. The ability to make lists and the blog are nice. Either I'm missing something or I don't have to go back to the old interface any more.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thing 19 Cml's web 2.0 tools

My experience with CML's tools has been really positive. People love the ability to see new items in the drop-down menu. The search box is handy. Also, the extra tools listed are all handy. The best thing for me was the free worldcat through google. It's just amazing.

Web 2.0

Thanks to the web 2.0 awards, I found a seriously fun site called http://colorblender.com Oh, it is fun, fun, fun. And I have been wanting to paint some of the rooms in my house, so this is the perfect site to try. I wonder if I can find a web 2.0 site that will help me get all of the furniture into the middle of the room so I can paint the walls. My experience with this site is pure joy. My other experiences with web 2.0 have been good also. I used to play games on facebook.com. I even convinced my 80 year old great aunt to sign up so we could play scrabble. I like all of this stuff, but very little of it can be used for work. Perhaps knowledge of it will help me in my career. I suppose that it the point of learn and play.

Web-based apps. -- online documents and word processing

Ok, I tried google docs and Zoho. I liked google docs better as far a being able to figure things out, but it froze on me. Zoho did not freeze and also made it easy to create and save a document. I have to say that if I were buying a new home computer I don't think I would pay the extra money to buy Microsoft Word or Office. But, since I've already got them, I'm not going to stop using them. My internet is faster at home, so I could probably try it there with better results.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Google Docs

Hi, Google docs has a significant delay here at the reference desk, especially when I try to insert a chart and move it around on the page. I'm not sure I like it. I will try the other one mentioned in the Learn & Play blog.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Staff Wiki

I enjoy adding things to our wiki. I have contributed to and relied on the information in the knowitnow wiki. Wikis are my new rolodex. They are a large well-organized favorites list. I want to create one for the Gahanna staff but I am not sure how it work. What information could be put on it and what couldn't? Passwords couldn't, but most other things we keep in the reference desk notebook could. What about the rolodex? It contains a wealth of information that was updated until a year ago. If it was in wiki format, would we use it? Would it be too annoying to have to go one more place to check for updates and information? Daily news like assignments and displays and popular questions are conveyed easily enough verbally as we switch on and off the desk? Would we use it?

Friday, September 26, 2008


Wikis are great. That one from the South Bend Indiana public library is really nice. Their community links are top notch. We have one for afterdark knowitnow. It's like a rolodex only bigger and easier to use.

Library 2.0

Library 2.0 is a new layer of information and a new way to store and organize information. And we need it badly. There is so much information out there and things are changing so rapidly that we cannot keep up. I've been trying to create a pathfinder for full text books online for a while now. There are so many places and they are not all reachable by google. This is where I need my evolving tagged folksonomy. I can add it to delicious or update my wiki and automatically my patrons can see it. I'm ready for library 3.0.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I put my bookmarked websites in delicious and created a public profile. It was interesting to create my own tags, but I am the sort of librarian who doesn't want any random tag on a site. I want the commonly accepted tag. For example, I don't want library and libraries. I want to decide which word I will use and then apply it to all appropriate sites. Do you see what I mean? This didn't turn out to be as big a deal as I thought. The tags are all listed, so closely related tags are easy to choose from.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Library Thing

I went to library thing. I'm not into cataloging the books I've read or even keeping track. I know where they are when I want them. However, for Learn & Play at CML I was more than happy to add five books to library thing and add tags. You can view my bookshelf here.


This is cool.

Sarah Palin baby name generator

My Sarah Palin baby name is:

Bang Walmart Palin.

I'm really glad she's not my mom.

Find your Sarah Palin baby name at the generator blog.

I made a READ poster on the ALA site.

Here it is.

Online Image Generators

So, the last time I tried playing with the image generators I was interrupted and could not finish and/or save. I made an avatar. I will now attempt to do it again!

Friday, September 12, 2008

This is the picture

that my sister sent me. Seriously, look at that adorable child, and this is the best picture she could get? Maybe it is. I hear she can be a little demanding!

Blogger following

Ok, so now I'm following people on twitter and following blogs on bloglines AND following blogs on blogger follow.

Do you follow?

Google blog

Google Blog!


Twitter is hilarious fun. I didn't think I would like it. And I told the truth about what I was doing. I'm Janis1191. Follow me!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Thank you ResourceShelf.com. Every bit of info helps when you're doing Know It Now.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Interesting Library-related blogs

Stephen Abrams has been traveling around telling the library world how to make their computers better serve library patrons. I saw him speak at Internet Librarian, and I distinctly recall his complaints that librarians are always putting limits on computers and making them stupid. At the time, CML had a no e-mail or games rule. This was what he was complaining about. I will be very interested to read this blog.
librarians' index to the internet -- helpful resources when doing chat reference!

View my public bloglines subscriptions



Jan's favorite websites

This is the best website ever. EVER.
Second best website ever. Let me tell you, I do not like the old-fashioned cutie-cute air-brushed cute animal pictures. These are real animals that happen to be cute - baby skunk, moose in a sprinkler, your dog drinking your Starbucks iced coffee when you leave him alone in the car, hamster in a hat, etc.
I shouldn't say that this website is the best. It is certainly the best at making time zoom by. You log on, start a game and suddenly 4 hours are gone. woosh. So, it's fun but be careful.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Chicken coop

CML Main library on the morning news

Bravo to everyone involved in making that happen. It is really cool. I know many people, especially teens, are curious about the behind the scenes action at the library!

Monday, August 25, 2008


The mosaic made out of pictures from flickr is really amazing.

Enjoyed Flickr

I finally took a minute to really browse flickr, and it was a lot of fun. I enjoyed that page where you can search by color. I found this wonderful picture. I found pictures of librarians and libraries.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I do not want to create a flickr account. I do not have any photos I wish to share with the world.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Speak up, I can't hear you.

This is from icanhascheezburger.com, the best web site ever!

Learn & Play At CML

I learned and now I am playing!

Friday, August 15, 2008

This is a test. This is only a test.

If this were a real blog, some sort of information or opinion would be given here.